Hi, my name is

Debankur Saha

I put ML models into production

I currently work as a Machine Learning Engineer and tend to have an inclination towards best practices for ML deployments and cloud adoption. I keep learning and exploring new techniques and simplify them as much as possible for my own benefit and in the process share it with a wider audience.

This site is for me to share my knowledge with anyone who might benefit from it.

About Me

I am a Machine Learning Engineer. I tend to have an experience as a Full-Stack Dev as well. Hence I tend to know different strategies for deploying ML applications across different scenarios.

Cloud Adoption, Application Design, Computer Vision are some of my niche skill areas.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Machine Learning / Deep Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Python
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Nodejs
  • GCP
  • Tensorflow
  • Pytorch

Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out on my Linkedin or email anytime at [email protected]